Network monitor for Notification Center and Menu Bar

Netler network monitor for macOS

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Menu Bar

Network widget for mac

Netler is a network monitor for menu bar and Notification Center.

Access your active network interfaces (such as Ethernet, WI-FI, Thunderbolt), external IP/Country and traffic statistics. Visualize your network traffic, network activity, calculate traffic since start up time. IP Geo Location detection does not depend on third party databases or services: we use our own service with no logging. All your data is private.

You can use Netler to view each network connection, including the hardware address of the interface, the IP addresses assigned to it, its speed, gateway information (including the hardware address and the IP addresses assigned to it) and status (active or inactive).

Netler is fully localized in English, French, German, Italian, Spanish and Russian.


  • Active/inactive network interfaces
  • Local ip and mac-address
  • Gateway ip
  • External ip and country detection
  • Sent/received data and speed

Notification Center

Simply slide out Notification Center and browse your network interfaces without interrupting what you were doing.

netler widget

Monitor your Internet throughput, usage, connection quality. Check speeds of your ISP right from Notification Center.

Looking for complete system monitoring solution?

Try iStatistica.

iStatistica is an advanced system monitor for macOS. It includes notification center widget and status bar menu. Simply slide out Notification Center to keep an eye on your CPU, memory, disk usage and network activity.

iStatistica provides an easy way to eject external drives, overview your battery statistics, realtime informations about CPU, RAM usage and much more. Network statistics includes external, gateway and local IPs, speed and data rates chart. Just click on the ip address to open it in the default web browser.

More about iStatistica »

iStatistica system monitor for mac

Network widget Support

Found a bug? Have a suggestion? Please, send it to or reach us on Twitter at @imagetasks.