E-mail alerts for high CPU, GPU, or memory load

October 27, 2020

With iStatistica Pro you can set up alerts that will trigger different actions when CPU load is high, the temperature of key system elements is critical or your Mac is running low on RAM. These actions include notifications, execution of Automator workflows, and terminal actions. To set up e-mail notifications open Automator app bundled with macOS.


How to get notifications when your laptop switches to a dedicated graphics card?

October 13, 2020

A dedicated graphics card may drain your laptop battery fast. macOS provides a seamless switch between internal and dedicated graphics cards. Sometimes you may not notice that your laptop uses Radeon card instead of Intel integrated graphics. In most cases, Metal-enabled apps may ask the system for access to a dedicated video card. Simply closing such apps may dramatically increase battery life when you have no charger nearby and battery life is more important than solid performance.


How to change the default Mac app for specific image types?

July 18, 2020

Follow these steps to change image files associations in macOS:

  • Right-click on an image that uses the file type you'd like to change the default for. For example, one with a .jpg or a .png extension.
  • Click on "Get Info" in the pop-up to show a window with file details.
  • Click "Open With" to expand the setting.
  • Select "Pixea" or any other image viewer from the list.
  • Click "Change All...".


System Monitor. Reinvented.

Overview of your battery statistics, realtime information about CPU, RAM usage, and much more. Network statistics includes external, gateway, and local IPs, speed, and data rates chart.

  More about iStatistica Pro

The invisible Image Viewer

Pixea is an image viewer for macOS with a nice minimal modern user interface. Pixea works great with JPEG, HEIC, PSD, RAW, WEBP, PNG, GIF, and many other formats.

  More about Pixea